Tentang StemCord

StemCord adalah Bank Darah Tali Pusat milik pribadi yang berkantor pusat di Singapura dan didirikan oleh sekelompok ahli onkologi medis, ahli hematologi dan dokter.

Didirikan pada Maret 2002, StemCord tetap fokus pada pengumpulan dan pelestarian Darah Tali Pusat dan Sel Induk Tali Pusat, dan merupakan Bank Darah Tali Pusat swasta yang mapan dan terpercaya.

StemCord diaudit dan dilisensikan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan (MOH), Singapura. StemCord juga diakreditasi oleh FACT-NetCord, sesuai dengan Standar yang dikembangkan oleh tim ahli internasional dalam pengumpulan, pemrosesan, pengujian, perbankan, pemilihan dan pelepasan unit darah tali pusat otomatis, memberikan Anda keyakinan bahwa darah tali pusat bayi Anda ada di tangan yang baik.

Temui Para Pendiri

Dr Teo Cheng Peng

Chairman / Co-Founder
  • Consultant Haematologist & Physician MBBS (Singapore)
  • M.Med (Internal Medicine)
  • FAMS (Haematology)

Dr Ang Peng Tiam

Director / Co-founder
  • Senior Consultant Medical Oncologist & Physician MBBS (Singapore)
  • M.Med (Internal Medicine)
  • MRCP (United Kingdom)
  • FRCP (Edinburgh)
  • FRCP (London)
  • FAMS (Medical Oncology)
  • FACP (USA)

Dr Leong See Odd

Director / Co-Founder
  • MBBS (Singapore)
  • M.Med (Internal Medicine) MRCP (UK)

Direktur Medis

Dr. Colin Phipps Diong

Medical Director
  • MBBChBAO (Ireland)
  • MRCP (United Kingdom)
  • FRCPath (United Kingdom)

Our Network

StemCord is headquartered in Singapore with a regional presence in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Philippines.

Using science-based research, medical expertise and tested methods, StemCord builds trust by educating parents on Cord Blood and Cord Stem Cells Banking solutions.


StemCord Pte Ltd (Headquarter)

100 Pasir Panjang Road, #03-02/03/04,
Singapore 118518


StemCord SG Phils. Corporation

Units 201-202 High Pointe Medical Hub
241 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City
Metro Manila, Philippines 1552


PT StemCord Indonesia Sehat

World Capital Tower Lt. 2
Jl. Mega Kunigan Barat
Lingkar Mega Kuningan No. 3
Jakarta 12950

Our Milestone

20th Anniversary – Marking 20 years of educating parents on Cord Blood and Cord Stem Cells.


StemCord was awarded NetCord-FACT accreditation for the fourth time (2011, 2014, 2017, and 2021). NetCord-FACT, an established and prestigious accrediting organisation, develops international standards for Cord Blood collection, processing, testing, banking, selection, and release.


Launch of StemCord’s pregnancy focused webinars during the Covid pandemic with over 1,000 participants at our first webinar.


First virtual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative to raise funds for Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore.


Opening of a new office in the Philippines, located in High Pointe Medical Hub, Manila.


Over 40,000 cord blood units stored with StemCord.

StemCord was awarded NetCord-FACT accreditation for the third time (2011, 2014, 2017)


StemCord and Stem Med launch comprehensive range of Stem Cell Banking Services with opening of new offices and medical laboratories.


Expanded operations with the opening of a second sales office at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital in Singapore.

StemCord was awarded NetCord-FACT accreditation for the second time (2011, 2014)


StemCord was awarded NetCord-FACT accreditation for the first time (2011).


Introduction of StemCord Bonus Covers, a medical insurance plan for StemCord customers covering stem cell transplants.


Introduction of split storage facilities.


StemCord celebrated its 5th Anniversary with a Roadshow Exhibition at Suntec City.


Collected 800 Cord Blood samples within the first year. Expanded operations on a regional scale.


Incorporated and began its first day of operations.

24 Hour Hotline (65) 6471 2002
24 Hour Hotline (65) 6471 2002
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