Cord Blood Banking - Why is it important?

Perfect Match

You can be assured that your baby’s Stem Cells will always be a perfect match for him/her if the need arises.

Future of Regenerative Medicine

Can be used to treat over 80 diseases1, with the potential to treat many more diseases in the future.

Treatment Options for the Whole Family

Cord Blood Stem Cells can potentially be used to treat other biological family members.

Available for a Lifetime

Cord Blood Stem Cells can be stored indefinitely and remain viable as a source of stem cell transplantation when needed

Ready When You Need It

Your Cord Blood Stem Cell sample can be made available to you whenever you need it, without the hassle and process of searching for a donor.

Our Services

Cord Blood Banking

Cord Blood is blood collected from an umbilical cord of a newborn at birth. It contains a rich source of Stem Cells – mainly Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs)

HSCs have been used to treat more than
80 diseases2 including :

  • Bone Marrow Disorders
  • Leukemias and Lymphomas
  • Blood Cancers
  • Autoimmune Diseases

Cord Stem Cell Banking

Cord Stem Cells Banking refers to the stem cells that are extracted and cultured from the umbilical cord. These unique stem cells are known as Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MCSs).

MSCs have been widely researched in the field of regenerative therapy for conditions such as3 :

  • Autism
  • Damaged Tissues
  • Ligaments and Organs
  • Vascular Damage

Find Out Why Thousands Of
Parents Choose StemCord

Trusted Cord Blood Bank

Over 20 years’ experience and a proven release track record

Storage in Two Bags,
Two Locations

Providing increased usage of your samples and added security and peace of mind

Accredited by Netcord-FACT

A prestigious accrediting organisation that is specific to Cord Blood Banks.

Founded by medical doctors

With wide medical knowledge on treatment options using stem cells

StemCord Bonus Covers

Providing additional coverage for your family


StemCord takes the extra step to process and culture your cord stem cells in advance

Reference Links

The full list of diseases can be obtained from
Banking cord blood does not guarantee that the cells will provide a cure or be applicable for every situation. The treating physician will determine the ultimate use. There is no guarantee that the umbilical cord blood will be a match for a family member or will provide a cure. Autologous cord blood stem cells will not guarantee suitable treatment for all inherited genetic diseases. As with any transplant therapy, therapeutic success depends upon many factors beyond the stem cells themselves including patient condition, type of disease, recipient-donor relationship and matching, and other factors. The use of cord blood stem cells for emerging treatments is experimental. Please consult your physician.


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